Austrian GP – Paddock Club Spielberg 2024

  • 30-06-2024

Austrian GP – Paddock Club Spielberg 2024

The zenith of Recipe 1 extravagance at the Austrian GP – Paddock Club Spielberg 2024. Lift your race at the end of the week with elite admission to the most sought-after cordiality region, offering unrivaled perspectives on the exhilarating target activity. Enjoy connoisseur cooking prepared by elite gourmet experts, supplemented by fine wines and champagne, giving it an air of refined polish. Hobnob with F1 drivers, group administrators, and famous people in this select safe house of complexity and allure.

Drench yourself in the electric climate of the enclosure, where each second is imbued with energy and expectation. Appreciate celebrity treatment with admission to in-the-background visits, intelligent encounters, and meet-and-welcome open doors with motorsport legends. Gain experiences to endure forever as you witness the show unfold on perhaps one of the most notable circuits in Recipe.

Tickets Available: Formulla1

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  • Time : 15:00 - 12:00 (UTC+0)

Purchase Ticket

High-class dining Most exclusive ticket (All tickets have been sold out)
€ 4,999

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